Hi guys, thank you for checking out my blog! So a bit about me - I am a Personal Trainer, 22 years old, and based in Surrey and South West London. I spent my childhood and current years playing football, tennis, karate and golf. I currently base my time around sports and business, making sure that I can enjoy all my passions through work!
The typical goals of my clients that I work with include general health and fitness, fat loss, reducing lower back pain and other physical and mental health issues, and supporting the amateur athlete. I have a lot of pride watching my clients work towards goals and improving their understanding of why we do the things we do.
I will be using this blog to express my opinions about hot topics in around health and fitness, all while using my own experience, knowledge and research. I hope that you enjoy reading my blogs, and that you can find some useful knowledge in my posts.
Please do get in touch via my social media, I would love to know your opinion on all these topics!